I want to apologize to my children for every time I thought, “Come on! It’s a bee sting. Get over it!” I was stung as a kid, and it wasn’t that bad.
Today, I was riding with the high school mountain bike team. I was dominating from the back, as usual, when someone stuck an ice pick in my forehead. I realized I had been stung, and, man, did it hurt? I wanted to ask the other guys, “Does anyone mind if we stop so I can curl up and cry for a while?” (I didn’t. I kept riding and trying to look tough.)
The pain grew and I kept thinking of my kids and how little sympathy I have for them when they have a run-in with a bee.
Now I am blogging, with a throbbing red forehead… that itches! And I am getting less sympathy than I deserve.
I am sorry, kids. You are right. It hurts.
After deciding to press on with the ride and not cry, I was doing my usual thing where I drift farther and farther off the back of the group of fearless young people. I felt a drip of sweat slowly running down my eyebrow. A moment later I realized that it was actually my six-legged assailant crawling down past my eyeball. I smacked him off my face in a reflex action and also sent my glasses flying off into the forest.
I stopped… fell farther off the pace… found my glasses… and resumed the chase.
But I am feeling bad for you. No fun. Ice it or something.
Have a good weekend.
Baking soda and water made to a paste will draw out the poison and you will feel better! When you ride carry some with you(baking soda) And water then the pain will be less if you put it on right away or find mud that will do it too!
Mud! I could have made mud. I always have a water bottle and there is dirt on a mountain bike ride. I will next time