Happy Valentine’s Day from the Hales!

Strange kids acting strange.

Happy Valentines day from the Hales! Oh wait, it's March. (Can you find the baby in this picture?)

Our life is so milk toast, I am grasping at something to blog about. Since there ain’t nothing going on here, I will try to fabricate something interesting. (I threw the “ain’t” in for scholarly Helen’s benefit.)

Drawing by Ruthie of Mom and Dad

This photo shows Nikole and me getting married. (Photo by Ruthie)

On or about March 2, my wife and I celebrated the 16th anniversary of our marriage. To celebrate the event, my wife and I went out for breakfast. Yes, breakfast — the least expensive meal to eat out. I wanted to go to the Freight House for really expensive, tiny steaks, but she wanted to be frugal.

About two weeks later, my wife threw frugality out the window and forced me to take her to a bed and breakfast for two nights. (Her wonderful, retired, parents watched our unruly kids while we were away. Afterwards, they both made plans to re-enter the workforce thereby cementing an excuse the next time we need them for mid-week childcare.)

The Moon Dance Inn

We went to a beautiful bed and breakfast in Red Wing, Minnesota called the Moon Dance Inn. It is a great place to stay as long as you don't mind absentmindedly humming a '70s song by Van Morrisson for two straight days.

bikes in minivan

It has been 14 years since the back of our minivan has looked like this on a trip. Check it out -- Two bikes, a couple bags and lots of space! Usually, this space would be filled to the ceiling with portable playpens, diapers and various other kid supportive materials.

Nikole and Ed biking

The craziest thing we did on our trip was to take a bike ride together without children. (My wife is training for a Row, Run, Ride race and she needed me take her on a 15-mile ride.) It was very fun.

Nikole Running

My wife also went on an early morning run. Here she is on the top of the bluff overlooking the city.

Nikole by large boot

The required Red Wing Boot shot.

Nikole rock climbing

After watching some rock climbers on top of Barn Bluff, Nikole decided to try some free climbing herself. She was a little stressed out at this point.

Bethany and Ruthie by welcome home sign

Bethany and Ruthie made us a welcome home sign (with some spelling help from Helen and Claire). Can you find the baby in this picture?

Other Random Recent Events

We watched a friend’s dog for a few days.

Nikole and Daisy

The dog just wanted to sit in Nikole's lap. Dog's can sense who likes them the least and gravitate toward that person.

Helen and Daisy

Helen longed for the dog to sit in her lap. Finally, it happened.

Lydia with dog

Lydia fed the dog one piece at a time. The dog was saintly as she condescended to such service.

Ed Ruth Lydia Beth and Daisy

You can see that the dog hated me, and generally was a negative influence on the family. We won't ever watch that dog again.

Now you are up to date with the Hales. I bet you could not have lived without this amazing news post. Thanks.

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3 Responses to Happy Valentine’s Day from the Hales!

  1. Farrah Thrush says:

    Clever and witty as always!

  2. nikole says:

    I am so glad that you included one of Ruthie’s many many drawings in here. Ruthie and Bethany are definitely doing a LOT of drawing around here lately.

  3. Jo says:

    I didn’t notice the baby at all in the first photo till you mentioned it. Funny!

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